AnyHow works for you.
You’ve got headaches: accountability, time
tracking, team communication, invoicing, client
reporting, and payments... Just to name a few.
Core Features in AnyHow...
Easily organize and track your time spent based on client, project, role and billing status. The built-in timer seamlessly integrates seamlessly into your timesheets to make it even easier on you. Oh, and if timesheets aren’t your thing? No worries, just switch to the timelog format and you can log time specifically for each task completed.
- Support for numerical (i.e. 1.5) or natural time (i.e. 1h 30m) formats.
- Timesheet approval workflow.
- Keep time separated by roles performed, even if it’s in the same project.
- Invoices can be generated automatically based solely on approved time.

This is your company’s headquarters–the meeting table, the scrum circle, the requirements discussions, the daily check-in, and the water cooler. All in one.
- Automated daily activity posts. (optional, can be disabled.)
- Quick filters to find what you need, now.
- Share company wide or select individuals based on client, project, team or person.
- Client access to keep them looped in for project specific discussions.
- Markdown, drag, and drop images, files, and reactions supported out of the box.
- Real time updates when viewing discussions.

“Using AnyHow to manage my client projects, time tracking, billing and payments, and reporting has been great. Being able to interface with my clients inside AnyHow was the game changer!”
File Storage
Never lose an important file again. This is your central storage point for all your organization files that supports full tagging, filtering, permissions, sharing, and downloading. No more spending minutes, or more, wading through complicated directory structures searching for a specific file. With AnyHow, just a few clicks are needed and it's at your fingertips.
- Virtually unlimited storage capacity.
- Files are stored securely and can be configured with strict permissions.
- Versioning support with approval workflow.
- Inline discussions to collaborate within individual files.
- Client (Guest) access on a per file basis (optional.)
- Full tagging support for Clients, Project, Employee or Teams.
- Easily share files via secure URL's with external users.

Your knowledge base–organize all your data, processes, clients, project details, company holidays, policies, etc. in your intranet.
- Flexible and powerful permissions with full inheritance.
- View the entire history of every wiki article.
- Add images and files– as many as you’d like.

Getting paid for your hard work has never been easier. Invoices can be created automatically, or manually, based on your company's timesheets. Kick back and let us do the heavy lifting. All you need to do is a few mouse clicks and you're done.
- Shareable public invoice URL (optional.)
- Accept payments for invoices via Credit Card or Paypal (or both!)
- Ability to add expenses to project invoices.
- Accept payments for multiple invoices at once.
- Automatic email reminders to clients (optional.)
- Include all associated time logs for a given invoice so your client can easily download them (in CSV format.)
- Track when your client has viewed the invoice.

If you don't know your numbers, you don't know your business. AnyHow makes knowing your numbers as easy as possible. Detailed reporting at the organization and project levels. Reports cut out the noise and give you deep insight into exactly where things stand.
- Detailed overview of your company's income, expenses, invoices, projects, etc.
- Insight into which client, project, or role is your most profitable.
- Accurate reflection of current billed and yet to be billed hours.
- Monitor budgeted dollars, hours, hours by role, etc. Easily provide status reports to clients (just a few clicks!)

“Here at Kronoscode we use Anyhow on a daily basis as the time tracking tool for design and software development projects. We can't express enough how easy and useful it is. It has become an essential part of our workflow. Great product with great power.”
Clients & Projects
Client, and client projects, are the life force of your business. Keeping everything organized and structured is key. Don't worry, we've got you covered.
- Assign employees to be client and/or project managers.
- Ability to set resource limits on client projects to avoid logging overages.
- Have recurring projects? Easily clone a project and carry over configured settings, roles, role rates, employees, etc. saving you time from duplicate data entry!
- Give clients guest access to monitor project status in real time. Guest accounts can also participate in specifically flagged discussions.

Quick Invoices
Painless invoice generation that takes literally seconds. With as little as a single click you can generate invoices for all outstanding hours and deliver them to directly to your clients inbox.
- Add multiple recipients invoices for submission.
- Customize the email subject and body to your hearts content.
- Support for client and project specific variables for use in your email templates.
- Optional client submission for those times when you aren't quite ready to submit yet.
- Invoices are grouped by client and project.

DRY, a.k.a., Don't Repeat Yourself. Why waste your time doing the same task over and over? Let AnyHow do that for you.
- Send client status reports, aka, burn reports automatically.
- Deliver detailed time logs at intervals you configure.
- Automatically create and submit invoices at your desired project schedule.
- Hands off creation of frequent discussion posts for things like status updates or weekly check-ins.
- Support for an array of intervals.
- Group tasks for multiple clients and/or projects or limit it to a single one.
- Schedule when the task should start and end. Or let it run forever until you manually disable it.

“As a soloprenuer with no technical background, I was hesitent to use a web based solution to manage my many contractors for the various festivals we need to attend. Using AnyHow made it easy to coordinate everything and stay on top of my budgeting too. Grouping people into teams and using those teams everywhere is a huge time saver.”
Verify Hours
Many businesses use contractors. Maybe sometimes, maybe all of the time. Either way, when they submit invoices, verifying the hours takes up a lot of time. But not with AnyHow. A few clicks and you'll see exactly what is logged for a given time period.
- Spend seconds to verify an invoice.
- Group multiple contractors into a Team to quickly verify an invoice for multiple people.
- Search by specific Employee or by Team.
- See how many hours are approved or still pending approval.
- Track and verify the approved and total costs.

Everything else
- @Mention team members for discussion notifications.
- Custom rates per employee, client, project and/or role.
- Quick email broadcast to all active employees.
- Teams! Organize your employees and contractors into specific teams for quick reference.
- Daily digest of activity within your organization delivered directly to your inbox.
- Bookmark (save) important discussions for quick and easy reference.
- Organization wide status report to get a bird's-eye view of the status and activity logged during a given time period.
- Custom referral links to share with your friends and receive credits toward your own account.
- Support for project level expenses that can be attached to client invoices.
- Give clients guest access to see project status and discussions in real time.
Don't see a feature and you're wondering if AnyHow can do it?
The answer is probably YES!Try it free.
No obligations, no credit card required.
- Company wide accountability.
- Easy time tracking and approvals.
- Invoice clients and get paid faster.
- Centralized file storage, wiki, discussions.
- Full reporting on company and project budgeting.
- Completely automate your tedious tasks.