AnyHow works for you.
DRY, a,k.a., Don't Repeat Yourself. Why waste your time doing the same task over and over?
Let AnyHow do that for you.Client Status Report
- Send client status (aka, burn) reports automatically.
- Report includes budget used in both hours and dollars.
- Ability to limit report to include select projects (optional.)
- Custom set of template variables that is specific to this task.

Automatic Invoicing
- Automatically create and submit invoices at your desired project schedule.
- Invoices are delivered in PDF format and also via a unique invoice URL (if enabled).
- Fully customize the email delivered with all invoicing options and template variables specific tot his task.
- Group multiple projects together for invoicing or limit the invoicing to a specific project.

Discussion Magic
- Create new discussions at a set schedule.
- Hands off creation of frequent discussion posts for things like status updates or weekly check-ins.
- Full ability to customize discussions for privacy, project, employee, team and/or guest access.
- Use custom template variables to personalize each discussion created.

Time Log Activity
- Deliver detailed time logs at intervals you configure.
- Automatically email your clients a CSV report that displays where their budget is being spent.
- Report includes employee, role, dates, time spent, and task comments for full transparency.

- Support for an array of intervals.
- Group tasks for multiple clients and/or projects or limit it to a single one.
- Schedule when the task should start and end. Or let it run forever until you manually disable it.
- Option to skip weekend runs (don't worry, it will run the following Monday).

Everything else
- @Mention team members for discussion notifications.
- Custom rates per employee, client, project and/or role.
- Quick email broadcast to all active employees.
- Teams! Organize your employees and contractors into specific teams for quick reference.
- Daily digest of activity within your organization delivered directly to your inbox.
- Bookmark (save) important discussions for quick and easy reference.
- Organization wide status report to get a bird's-eye view of the status and activity logged during a given time period.
- Custom referral links to share with your friends and receive credits toward your own account.
- Support for project level expenses that can be attached to client invoices.
- Give clients guest access to see project status and discussions in real time.
Don't see a feature and you're wondering if AnyHow can do it?
The answer is probably YES!Try it free.
No obligations, no credit card required.
- Company wide accountability.
- Easy time tracking and approvals.
- Invoice clients and get paid faster.
- Centralized file storage, wiki, discussions.
- Full reporting on company and project budgeting.
- Completely automate your tedious tasks.